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Brand Overview

The District’s branding is essential to stay true to our mission statement. The focus of our identity is to show our dedication to quality education by presenting appealing and effective materials to our families and community at large. It is important that the Columbia Heights Public Schools brand maintains a consistent look and feel regardless of where it’s seen. We hope these guidelines will serve as a resource for you in your communication efforts.

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The District has a number of assets that make up its brand including the District logo and mission statement. Use the links below to download any brand asset you need for your materials.

The District Logo must be included on all materials, including flyers, forms, presentations and more. For program logos, or if you need another variation of an asset, contact the Communications Coordinator Emma Bute

District Branding

School Branding

Community Ed Branding

Our Colors

The District’s primary colors should be used as the main colors in all publications and District materials. Secondary colors should be reserved for accent colors unless noted otherwise by the Communications Department. You can use these color codes in most programs including Microsoft, Google Apps and more!


C: 100  M: 86  Y: 41  K: 42
R: 0  G: 39  B: 76
Pantone 282c

C: 2  M: 16  Y: 99  K: 0
R: 253  G: 203  B: 9
Pantone 116c

C: 73  M: 31  Y: 10  K: 0
R: 64  G: 146  B: 191
Pantone 7688c

C: 33  M: 0  Y: 94  K: 0
R: 182  G: 212  B: 63
Pantone 2297c


Presentation Templates

Power Point

Google Slides
DO NOT edit this exact document.
Once open in Google select FILE > MAKE A COPY > ENTIRE PRESENTATION

Our Fonts

The District has a set of approved fonts to be used on all materials. 



**Please note: the Futura font book is not a standard font. In this case, please use Gill Sans MT. If you would like access to this font book, submit a technology request and ask for the Futura font book to be loaded onto your computer. 

Electronic Letterhead

Non-CHPS Brand Assets

The District may use logos and branding elements from outside organizations for inclusion on promotional or marketing items. Such branding may include logos for social media platforms, partnership organizations and more. It is extremely important that the District stays in compliance with all external organizations in terms of brand assets in order to avoid any potential lawsuits.

For questions regarding the use of external brand assets, contact the Communications Coordinator Emma Bute via email or at ext.4530.